We're back! Welcome to the 12th annual Ritz Winter Hop feat. 3 levels of lindy hop, a short track, and some truly awesome tasters [read more]. On top of that we offer 3 fun filled parties, and the chance to meet new and old friends. The entire event takes place at a single venue, and the atmosphere has been described as friendly and chill. TEACHERS
Registration is CLOSED! Will open ~mid-September. [Register!] Make sure to check this page + our Facebook event often, to find out what's new. |
The venue offers everything in one place, and it's situated ca 10-15 min. from Vaasa city center when walking. Please note that you'll need to book the accommodation separately. PARTIES
Friday night we throw our traditional welcome party. Saturday night we kick things off with a cozy and dance-friendly jazz band, awesome DJs, a photo booth & lots of surprises. Sunday there will be a small tea dance [read more]. GALLERY
Get inspired! Visit our media gallery, and check out some fun pictures and videos from previous years. Hashtag us #ritzwinterhop2024 #rwh2024 & feel free to share our event flyer. |